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Available Online

Resume Build & Review (Professionals)

Let’s review and build a strong resume!

30 min
65 US dollars

Service Description

On average, recruiters and hiring managers spend only about six seconds reviewing it before they decide whether to contact you for a phone screen or interview. My goal is to review your current resume with you and provide guidance and suggestions to help you maximize the impact your resume has. I will look over your entire resume with the same attention to detail and scrutiny that a potential employer would use. Having a professional resume review done before you begin sending your resume to recruiters and hiring managers can provide you with the following benefits: - Proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors - Ensure resume length is appropriate for your experience - Maximize the content, style and design of your resume to increase your chance of getting a call for an interview - Ensure experience and accomplishments are quantified - Applicant tracking system (ATS) keyword and formatting compatibility - Style, design, tone and formatting suggestions - Ensure your resume aligns with current hiring standards and trends

Contact Details

  • United States

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